Monday, 25 February 2013


as we have seen earlier, an array is a sequential collection of elements of similar data types. In c# , an array is an object and thus a reference type, and therefore they are  stored in heap.
Single dimensional  array
// int[] num = new int[5]{1,2,3,4,5};

            int[] num = new int[5];

            num[0] = 12;
            num[1] = 34;
            num[2] = 31;
            num[3] = 64;
            num[4] = 87;
            foreach (int j in num)

Multidimensional array and jagged array
A muntidimensional array is one in which each element of the array is an array itself.
Rectangular array( one in which each row contains an equal of columns)
Jagged array(one in which each row does not necessarily contain an equal number of element

int[,] mytable = new int[2, 3];

//int[,] numbers = {{0, 2}, {4, 6}, {8, 10}, {12, 17}, {16, 18}};

            mytable[0, 0] = 23;
            mytable[0, 1] = 21;
            mytable[0, 2] = 53;
            mytable[1, 0] = 65;
            mytable[1, 1] = 12;
            mytable[1, 2] = 25;
            foreach (int i in mytable)

Instantiating and accessing jagged array
 A jagged aray is one in which the length of each row is not the same. For example we may wish to create a table with 3 rows where the length of first row is 3, second row is 5 and  third row is 2, we can instantiate this jagged array like this:
int[][] mytable = new int[3][];
            mytable[0] = new int[3];
            mytable[1] = new int[5];
            mytable[2] = new int[2];

            mytable[0][0] = 3;
            mytable[0][1] = 23;
            mytable[0][2] = 32;

            mytable[1][0] = 1;
            mytable[1][1] = 35;
            mytable[1][2] = 36;
            mytable[1][3] = 13;
            mytable[1][4] = 64;

            mytable[2][0] = 98;
            mytable[2][1] = 76;

            foreach (int[] row in mytable)
                foreach (int col in row)


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